Tuesday 28 February 2012

Week 5 Session

How Children Learn

John Holt – Author/Educator

Children have short attention spans

Honest and brutal if not interested they switch off or will admit it

Learning though 5 senses taste, touch, sight sound & smell

School age – auditory, visually, kinesthetic learning stuff whilst also doing it

Eric Carle’s – caterpillar book, uses hole punch to create texture, which helps with senses.

Added Features For Book

Paper engineering
Flaps/fold outs
Pop ups
Die cuts
Specialized inks
Wipe clean

Session Task

Book 1

Book - The Wonderful Wizard Of OZ, Robert Sabuda & Matthew Reinhart.

Book Format – Visual, Loads of pop ups, small text wither used but children from 9+ or as a read out, using other added feature like die cut glasses, shiny pages.

Relation to information – Visual, as the pop ups are quite big and gets you to focus on that and takes up most of the page.

Senses – Touch and Sight

Personally the book is very colourful and has way to many pop ups than needed it also has a number of different sized pages which don’t help when reading the reading pages also have pop ups which distract you attention from reading and make it hard to read

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