Monday 13 February 2012

Task 2

Task 2

Information / Reference title aimed at 9-11 years olds.
            Art Style – Realism

Realistic or representational art portrays the world with faithful attention to lifelike detail. A few artists aim at almost photographic realism, but many prefer to approximate reality. It is particularly suited to illustrate realistic stories with serious content or themes. I think this would be the correct choice as at that age the child will understand and know how and what things look like.

Examples of Realism:

A good example of a book using this art styles would be Make Way For Ducklings by Robert Mc Closkey.

Baby / Toddler - First Objects Book.
            Art Style – Cartoon Art

Cartoons consist of exaggerated caricatures that emphasize emotion and movement. They possess no subtlety, but are simple and straightforward. It is often chosen to illustrate humorous stories. This would be perfect for children and they use of bright colour would attract there attention and keep them focused on the page.

Examples of Cartoon Art:

A good example of a book using this art styles would be Cat In The Hat by Dr Seuss.

Picture book aimed at 3-6 year olds.
            Art Style – Impressionism

Impressionistic art depicts natural appearances of objects by giving fleeting visual impressions with an emphasis on light. Color is the most distinctive feature of this, especially the interplay of color and light, often created with splashes, speckles, or dots of paint as opposed to longer brush strokes. This is the age where children want to know what things are and starting to understand things, which is why this style would fit as it would be a impression of the real thing with life like colours.

Examples of Impressionism:

A good example of a book using this art styles would be The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter.

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