Thursday 19 April 2012

London Book Fair Task

London Book Fair Task

Pizza Book is a recipe book which has been designed to come in the shape of a pizza box and also comes with a plastic pizza cutter the book inside the box when opened has a number of different pizza recopied which are suitable for children to make with adults it also has a number of images inside the book and I personally feel the best part of the book is the way it is designed to come in a pizza box.

The following book is a French book bit I liked the idea of a book, which had the inside like a chalkboard and also came with some chalk for the user to interact with the book. The book wanted the user to draw on the missing parts the example shown need shoes, which the user would have to draw.

The story beam was a new kind of book which was projected onto ceilings and walls, it would read out the story and also had very simple animations for the story I found this very good as many books are moving to interactive books this book works.

Final this book was my favorite this book when open presented the user with a road, which then wanted the user to find the correct car from the top, which the user would then push into the road, and is able to pull along using pull-tab on the side of the book. I found this to have great interactivity with children and also teach them more about the surroundings.

London Book Fair 2012

Shown here are some images of book from the London book Fair

Friday 6 April 2012


Shown here is the original character I was going to use but as my book mainly used a sponges texture for the images I decided to change this I also found that the character looked quite scary with the circles around his eyes to I got rid of these as well.